Why do they call it 2 minute noodles? It NEVER cooks in two minutes.
I love the smell of Jeera tadka, haldi, the sound dried red chillies make when you run your hand through them, and the taste of ginger.
I also love the smell of Brut, apples, paint, old books.
Remember as kids when we scraped our knees/elbows in school, we would be fine till we saw Dettol coming out of the first aid kit, and start crying before the dettol soaked cotton touched the scrape?
Does anyone else remember the sheer terror a visit to the dentist evoked? (After paying away half of my father’s savings to my dentist, I am totally over the fear – Earlier, my questions started with “Will it hurt?” Now, knowing that the answer will ALWAYS be YES, my first statement to my dentist is “inject the local anaesthesia and THEN excavate/drill.”
I don’t have any fond memories of Doordarshan programmes. I don’t remember any. I remember Zee TV and Sony. Zee horror show, Aahat, Woh (Lilliput was the clown under the bed, scaring the hell out of people), Hip Hip Hurray, Family No. 1, Dekh Bhai Dekh. I dream of Jeannie, Bewitched, Different strokes were fun, till they got dubbed and became annoying.
Does anyone else love the way their parents smell when they come back from work? And when you tell them, they shoo you away, tell you they are sweaty, and need to shower?
As a child, I liked Chunky Pandey. (WHY?)
I think crows are annoying. Pigeons are a waste of space. Sparrows are the only cute birds you find in Bombay.
I can procrastinate like hell. My best (?) work is the done at the last minute. I am procrastinating this very minute, by the way.
I have officially fallen in love. With Paris. The city, not Hilton. I also love you Bombay, but Paris..... sigh. Can I retire and move there? NOW?
I am the nerd who quotes ‘Friends’ every two days.
The only class I looked forward to in school was English. I would finish reading the textbook before school started. Maths has given me psychological problems that refuse to go away.
I have newfound interest and respect for Mohammed Ali Jinnah. I think he was a fascinating leader.
I love my flatmates in London. They are a very diverse, interesting, intelligent group of girls and we have together taken the term ‘love for food/gluttony’ to new
I get high on coffee. Then I become a fun (and slightly scary) person.
I store utterly useless trivia in my head. Wikipedia will be the cause of my downfall.
I love bright socks with cartoon characters on them. Bright pinks, orange, stripes, stars, giraffes, sparkles. Bring it on! Funky pyjamas > even better. Think Winnie the Pooh, funky bunny, mickey mouse.
I once applied Tiger Balm on my nose. I also once washed my hair out with Rin. I applied kohl all over my babysitter’s face while she slept soundly. I squirted perfume into my eyes. I was also very young when I did all of this.
I can sleep like I have no care in the world. Once, the watchman had to climb down the terrace, in through the window to our 3rd floor flat and open the door for my frantic father who then yelled me out of my slumber while the entire building looked on. I woke up, walked to the other room and went back to sleep.
I had no favourite colours as a child. I have not seen the Lion King movie, never flown a kite, eaten ‘golas’ or climbed trees. They are on my to do list. And yes, I did grow up in Bombay. :P
I think summer is the most glorious thing in the world.
I think it is time to end this self obsessed post. Any suggestions for the next one, considering the serious lack of updates on here?
* Picture: Ashwati/Mej.