Monday, August 4, 2008

Doggie Delights

After Bengali class on Sunday, Mom and I were making our way towards the gate when i spotted this honest-to-god cute black cocker spaniel, who was furiously wagging his short tail, and staring quite intently at something on the ground. I tried tugging mom towards Doggy, but mom was not in the mood to play. So i made my way over to Doggy, and realised that he was staring at a lemon, his nose almost touching it. I ruffled his head, but he wouldn't look up at me. I looked askance at the watchman, who said, "Kick it." I blinked. "The dog? no way!" "No, the lemon. Look.." and he proceeded to demonstrate, kicking the lemon to the other end of the parking lot. And, to my surprise, Doggy pelted after it, caught it, made his way back to us and dropped it at the man's feet. "Oh, he wants his exercise", mom smiled. She made her way to the sandwich wallah, and sensing my longing to play with Doggy, let me stay, till her sandwich was done. For 15 mins, i played with the tyke, whose name was Taurus. Taurus, apparently, has rules while playing; No.1 being : No touching his lemon. Since I wasn't overly anxious to touch the slobber covered lime, that worked out fine. Taurus, who was extremely clean btw (his coat was silky soft) is very good at playing Fetch. He even retrieved the lime from under a car and would alternately drop the lime at my feet, and then the watchman's. A fair dog. Never thought I'd see that one ;) I had to walk away after some time, but my first time playing with a dog had turned out great!


manjusha said...

i wanna play wid taurus too....

Penny Lane said...

hey wow that's so cute... me too want to meet Taurus... me finds it very cute...sorry me usually no speak bad anglish.... was jus readin a Harry Potter blog n so me still in the Hagrid mood

Penny Lane

visit my blog:

it's r clan's 11th commandment: "Thou shall read thy faithful, partaking clan members' blog"

PS: If what i write doesn't make sense, don't worry. Most of what I write at 4 AM and after, doesn't make any sense.
PPS: Actually, I don't make any sense most of the time...
